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Poker Rules - Learn How to Play 
The betting continues clockwise with each player having the option to fold, to monitor the amount of the bet or raise.
When the first round is completed, three cards are dealt face up on the table then being the "flop."
A second round of betting begins with the first remaining player seated to the left of the Dealer. The betting continues clockwise with each player having the option to pass ("check") unless you bet, raise (raise), track (lime) a previous raise or fold ("fold").
When the second betting round is finished, a fourth community card is flipped in the table. This is called the turn. This is called a "turn".
The third round of betting begins with the first remaining player seated to the left of the Dealer.
When the third round of betting finishes, a fifth community card is turned over on the table being called the "river".
The fourth round of betting begins with the first remaining player seated to the left of the Dealer. The betting continues to move clockwise.
In the end, the winner will be according to the ranking of hands as in the following image.
